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The reproduction, copy, public communication, distribution, manipulation or any other usage of all or part of this web site without the previous authorization in writing of HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA, S.A. is expressly prohibited. The logos and trademarks of the products are registered marks by HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. This web site may contain links to external pages and HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. does not take responsibility for the contents or any other aspect related to those sites. HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. can modify without previous notification the specifications and photographs of its products as well as any other type of information here stated. The information stated on the web page does not imply any guarantee. HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the precision, truthfulness or exhaustiveness of the information or the use that can be made of such information. The data provided by the users can be added to automatic files which are the responsibility of HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. (Avda. Barcelona, 119 08720-Vilafranca del Penedès). The purpose of the files is purely commercial. The users concerned can execute their data access, correction and cancellation rights by sending a written form including their signature, name, surnames, national identity number and the precise instructions to the address above stated. HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. does not assume any responsibility in cases where minors have provided personal data through this web site. The person with the legal custody of the minor will have the right of access, correction and cancellation of the data by sending a written and signed application including the name, the surnames, the national identity number and the specific instructions to the address above mentioned. By sending the forms included on the web site the user gives their express approval to HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA S.A. to assign the user´s personal information to all the necessary people to achieve the purposes of the automatic file. All the information and data described in the site have been taken from faithful sources and they only refer to the Spanish geographic area. All the information, ideas or materials of any nature provided to HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. by the user will be considered public and non-confidential and therefore they could be freely used by HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA,S.A. By no means will it be considered that the access to this web site, the user obtains a license or authorization to use, beyond the strict personal use, any content, information or service available in the web site and he/she will not have any right related to such content, especially in relation to the copyright and industrial rights. |
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