*Our company does not generate any sewage dumps in any of our production phases.
* We control the emission of solid particles into the atmosphere. In order to do so we use high efficiency dust collectors and dust attraction systems connected to tube filters.
* The high quality lubricants are suitable for food usage and they are periodically collected and recycled.
*The vegetal waste generated in the production process is treated in-house and it is recycled as by-products for the animal feeding industry.
*We avoid the emission of vibrations and noises into the natural environment, adapting each equipment to its specifications: isolating materials, silencers, soundproofed rooms, etc.
*We also apply an energy saving program that includes the set up of static starters and frequency changers in the highest consuming engines or in engines that benefit from a higher efficiency in the process control.
* Our Photovoltaic Solar Plant installed in the Internal Zone of Cadiz tax-free area contributes to a new and better energy model, “more diversified, safe and less pollutant”, favouring energy efficiency and the increase in the use of clean energy sources, whose long term effects shall contribute to a more sustainable development and to a greater respect for the Environment.
* Our Integral Management System, certified in accordance with standard ISO 14001 (amongst others), enables us to control and improve the environmental impact of our Ortanisation.