Harinera Vilafranquina
Company specializing in flour and durum wheat semolina production
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Harinera Vilafranquina and equal opportunities for men and women.

The Negotiating Committee for the HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA, S.A. II Equality Plan was made up of 6 (six) members representing male and female staff, and 6 (six) members representing the company. It met online on April 19, 2022 and agreed the following:

1. To conclude the negotiations after unanimous approval of the proposed measures and signing of the HARINERA VILAFRANQUINA, S.A. II Equality Plan, whose full content is attached as an annex to these minutes.

2. The Plan is valid for 4 years from signing.

3. Transfer the final text of the Agreement, formalised on May 6, 2022, to the competent Labour Authority for it to be deposited, registered under the number 010612 and converted into a public document.

The approved Equality Plan aims to:

  • Establish company policy on the principle of equal treatment and opportunities for men and women based on the results obtained in the diagnosis of the situation and,
  • Achieve equal treatment and opportunities, by removing all sex discrimination within the company.

The objectives of the Plan are:

  • Promote equal opportunities in the company.
  • Reinforce Harinera Vilafranquina's commitment to equality, both internally and externally.
  • Strengthen the mechanisms for access to employment for minority groups.
  • Strengthen equal opportunities in the selection process.
  • Ensure that workers have access to training provided by the company, by ensuring they are informed of the training actions and the criteria required to take them.
  • Guarantee equal treatment and opportunities for men and women in internal promotions.
  • Advance co-responsibility between women and men.
  • Guarantee that both the image of the company and the language it uses are inclusive and non-sexist.
  • Improve the process related to the detection, prevention and action taken in sexual and/or gender-based harassment situations.
  • Guarantee the occupational health of women and men.
  • Ensure equal opportunities in the field of remuneration.
  • Promote the visibility, growth opportunities and development of women in those areas or aspects of the organisational field where they are under-represented.

This Equality Plan was designed after considering the Diagnosis of Equality between men and women carried out in May 2021, as well as our Organisation culture and legal requirements.